It's August....and I am having a baby in August!!! I can't believe we are getting so close already:) I am due in 19 days, and hoping to have a few less than that if I am lucky:) Tyson only came 3 days early, so we will see what this little guy decides to do. I was 37 weeks on Friday and doing well. I go back to the doctor this coming Friday, so we will see if any progress has been made in the getting ready for labor department. I have been having fairly regular Braxton Hicks contractions for weeks and weeks, but I can tell they are getting stronger and more frequent now. Nothing that makes me think anything is happening though! I have been very patient so far waiting for the end of this pregnancy, but now that I am considered "full term," I am ready to get this show on the road! Actually I am just getting tired of being pregnant, and super ready to snuggle the little guy:) On a positive note, I am still feeling relatively good for being about to pop. I am sleeping decently, no swelling or major aches or pains, and pretty minor mood swings (or so I have been told!!). Silas says I am much more pleasant to be around this pregnancy, and have not been a major hormonal mess, so that is nice to hear:)
I am still working almost every day, but just for about 1-2 hours. Thursdays are my long days as I try to squeeze in as much as possible while Tyson is at Mother's Day Out, and I usually end up working from 9-4 that day. Luckily about half of that is usually paperwork, and the other half is seeing clients, so I still get to sit and rest quite a bit. I am hoping that this coming week will be my last full week for work, and then I will just take things a day at a time from there on out. I am very thankful my office is only a mile and a half from my house, so I don't have far to go if something does happen! This will be Tyson's last week of Mother's Day Out for the summer, and then he returns to his usual schedule at the end of August or beginning of September. I have not been super impressed with where he has gone this summer, so I am really ready for him to get back to Central Baptist where he seemed a lot happier.
Speaking of the little devil, isn't he cute?!! He pulled out some of my soccer shirts from the dresser and had a ball wearing them around the house. He looked like a little ET in them! Tyson has been having some major emotional clingyness recently, and I really hope it goes away once the baby gets here. He cries when I drop him off at MDO and church, and they have to pry him off my neck so I can leave. It is terrible for me, and I even went back a few hours later and got him from school the other week because I called and he never really calmed down once I left. It is totally uncharacteristic behavior of him, and I am ready for it to be over. On the good side, he is still sleeping well, and pretty happy most of the time (if we aren't trying to leave him somewhere!!). The boy has been taking some crazy long naps recently too, so I am wondering if he is in a growth spurt, or just making lots of developmental changes. He slept over 4 hours for a nap today, and his usual ones are around 3 on almost a daily basis! I am lucky!! I sleep while he sleeps though, so I still don't get anything done:)
Here is a picture of my Little Chef in action in the kitchen. We made beef stew the other day for dinner and he was an excellent helper with all the prep work of the vegetables. His job was to put everything in the bowl once chopped so we could get it to the crock pot. He knows his veggies pretty well and has fun learning about new ones. He is also a true chef and tastes things here and there as we cook. A few of the carrots made it into the pot with some little nibbles taken out of them!!! I am amazed at this kids intense interest in cooking, and am really hoping it is something he continues to enjoy throughout the years. He pretend cooks all of the time while playing, and can re-enact the entire routine from the Japanese steak house where they cook on the hibachi grill at your table! He is really funny to watch as he spins his eggs (he uses golf balls) on the grill, stirs the rice and veggies, adds in the oil (juice from his sippy cup), and flips things over. He has recently added some of the entertainment aspects to his routine that they do, such as wearing a tall hat and flipping the egg (golf ball) up onto his head! He stands there "cooking" for long periods of time, muttering things like ...."ohhh, the fire is hot!" and "ohhh, rice!" It is stinking adorable:)
Well, that's whats going on in our lives right now. We are enjoying every day and eagerly anticipating Jace's arrival soon!! The car seat is in the car, my hospital bags are packed, and we are ready to rock n' roll whenever he decides he wants to get here.