/> SLO in Arkansas: April 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Baby Boy #3

 We picked the boys up from school last week and took them with us for my gender ultrasound.  Poor Jace thought we were there to bring the baby home, so he was a little disappointed:)  I think Tyson understood more and enjoyed seeing the baby on the screen.  Anyway, we are all thrilled that baby #3 is another brother!!!  The boys wanted a brother, Silas wanted another son, and I am thrilled to stay in boy world and not have to start over with buying everything in another color:)  We love boys around here and are excited to add another one to the family this fall.

I wish we could announce his name, but we are stuck in that department.  Neither of us can come up with anything we just love, so he remains nameless for now.  The boys have fun coming up with brilliant names for the poor baby, like "Papa John's spanking Orbison."  Thank goodness they are not in charge of naming the poor fellow:)
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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

I'm Married to a Rockstar.......

And we are having another baby!!!!

 I have been absent from the world for the past 14 weeks and with good reason.  I have been SICK SICK SICK.  I found out we were expecting our 3rd child, and we were excited for about 5 days before I went downhill.  Pregnancy just does not agree with me!!  I have gotten progressively sicker with each one, and this time has been a doozy.  I started throwing up by week 5, and have had to be on medication since then.  I even manage to throw up on the medication, but at least it allowed me to drag myself through my work day.  Which is where my rockstar husband comes in.... 
 He has done EVERYTHING for our family for the past 3 months.  I just cannot describe how little I have been able to do, or how much he has done.  He deserves some fantastic reward for husband/dad of the year.  I finally turned the corner last week or so and have slowly started trying to get off the couch and actually do something at home.  I am sure Silas is thrilled with this turn of events!!  Of course he hasn't complained the whole time.  I just don't know how he does it, but I sure am thankful for him!
 These are our Easter pictures by the way.  I never got one of all 4 (5) of us together, but we did the best we could.  At least Tyson was able to get one of Silas and I together:)
 My sweet Tyson is getting so big!
 And my sweet Jace is trying hard to catch up with his big brother.  They are pretty much wearing the same size clothes at this point.  So much for hand-me-downs!
 My one and only pregnancy picture so far.  I am 14 weeks in this picture.  It's not the best picture but it's all I have.  I started showing early and already feel huge!  Thank goodness for scrubs at work:) 
 Anyway, it has been a rough winter but I am hopeful that the next few months will be much better and we can get back into some sort of normalcy.  I was really hoping to be able to exercise while I was pregnant, but the violent sickness pretty much erased all hopes of that pretty quickly.  I am planning to try a water aerobics class at the gym tomorrow, so we will see how that goes! 
 We have an ultrasound scheduled on the 15th to find out the gender of the baby, and hopefully he/she will cooperate.  I am thinking it will be a 3rd boy, although everyone at work keeps telling me it's a girl since I have been so sick.  I will be happy either way.  I am just praying for a healthy little one.
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