/> SLO in Arkansas: Back in Business

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back in Business

Have you ever tried to go a day without checking your email or looking around at blogs??? I have been out of the loop for almost 2 full weeks now and was starting to have some Internet withdrawals!!! But we are back and kicking and things are good.

I'm not really sure where to even start. The most exciting part of my day today was that I became an Aunt again!!! Silas' older sister Stephanie had her little girl today...Kennedy Paige Baker. I can't wait to see pictures of her. We don't know much except that mom and baby are doing well. The worst part of my day was waking up with the baby a little past 5:00am. Since we have moved, we are all very out of sorts and off schedule and he is not sleeping well either. We have had a lot of big changes this past week and I guess it will just take us a while to get back on track again. I have felt extremely overwhelmed with the move and all, plus I was sick all during last week, and am just starting to feel like things are calming down a bit. I am trying to take things one day at a time. Or as my new neighbor said..."You still eat an elephant one bite at a time." So we are busy trying to eat the elephant that is unpacking, sorting and trying to find a place for 6 years worth of stuff!!! I am hoping to not pack any boxes for a very long time if I can help it:)

The house is great so far. It's also really big. I guess a lot of that comes from being cooped up in a little apartment for several months. I am very thankful for all the space, and feel that we have plenty to grow into. My parents were life-savers and came for the move, and helped with the unloading of the truck and entertaining little man so we could get things done. I really don't think we could have managed without them here. It was also nice to get to spend father's day with my dad:) There are still lots of little things that need doing for the house, so I try to get to one a day if possible. The biggest one is probably needing blinds for the windows, but it never seems to get done. We have curtains on the bedrooms, but really need something for the other windows, both for privacy and for helping with the costs of cooling the house. The sun on the west windows really heats the place up in the afternoons! Of course I have been in laundry heaven too. Silas was wonderful and hooked up my washer and dryer first thing and I don't think they have stopped running since! I love them so much:) I am very thankful they are energy efficient since I have to use them so much. I am almost caught up in that area I think.

Tyson seems to enjoy his new room and loves looking out the window at the street. All of our windows go down to the floor, and he spends a lot of time looking out of them. He is changing so much and so fast it's wearing me out daily. He cruises around the furniture and walks well holding onto your hands. It won't be long before he takes off on his own. I am looking forward to that! He has been extra clingy since the move and needs lots of one-on-one time and holding, which makes the unpacking all the more difficult. He is doing better now though, and I think we may have turned the corner. He also talks incessantly, and has so much to say about everything. Too bad we don't understand a word of it! His favorite word is daddy right now, and I am still waiting for him to say mama. When you try to get him to say it, he just looks at me and smiles and yells, dada! The kid still eats like a horse and has not met one food he hasn't loved. He eats black olives, tuna fish, hummus, lettuce, rice cakes, pickles, lemons, pork chops, and the list goes on and on. Every new taste is good to him and he just eats it up. I am glad he likes healthy things and we have worked hard not to give him too much sugar or junk food yet. He likes real food so much, so thankfully I don't have to worry about what to give him. If it's on my plate, he wants it:)

Let's see, what else is going on. The move really has consumed most of our time lately, and I am ready to be somewhat settled so we can start to fall into a normal routine again. I was supposed to start work this week, but my babysitter went out of town, so I will have my first full day next week when she returns. I am squeezing in a few hours this week in the afternoons once Silas gets home from work. Can I even begin to describe how divine it is to live in the town where your husband works?!? Silas has spent 3 hours a day on the road for almost the last 4 years, and his 10 minute commute is just fabulous!!! He has made it home for lunch one day, and Ty and I took him lunch and ate with him at his office another day. We are loving every minute of that. Plus, I can get up in the mornings with him now and eat breakfast and visit a bit before he heads out. The extra time together has truly been a blessing, and exactly the reason why it was time to make this move in the first place. I am sure he will get sick of me following him around all the time, but for now we are enjoying it!

Well, this has been quite an update. Sorry to not have pictures right now. I am waiting to take some of the house once I get a few more things unpacked and it looks more lived in. It will be a work in progress for a long time I am sure. I would truly appreciate prayers for our family these next few weeks, and especially for me as I adjust to my new life here. Now that some of the dust has settled from the whirlwind of the move, I am starting to feel the loneliness of living in a town where you don't know anyone. I know the relationships and friendships will come in time, but it has been hard for me to not be able to pick up the phone and call someone to go take a walk or go to lunch. Pray that we find a church home as well. We visited one on Sunday that was so big and very different from our small congregation in Judsonia, and it made me feel even more out of place. Our life is great, but I am longing for some familiarity and the comforts of feeling truly "at home" right now. I know all of that will come in time, and for now I am trying to find some joy in the journey:) Thankfully Tyson is a full time job and constant entertainment, so I don't get too lonely:)


Blogger Caroline Mosey said...

Whew! I'm so glad you updated, I was about to unsubscribe to your blog! ;) I know the feeling of being in a new town...it really is lonely at first. Then you make one friend, then two, then you find a church and a hobby and a favorite coffee shop and grocery store, and then one day you wake up and think, "I'm home." And you really are:) I love you

7:13 AM  
Blogger Brandy said...

So glad you are all moved in. Did you ever think you would be excited about having a washer and dryer in your house? Remember when we would get excited about new clothes, makeup, new hair cuts, now we are reduced to washer and dryers.
No, in all seriousness, before you know it, Jonesboro will feel like home. Just hang in there, unpack when you can, and enjoy Ty. Once you find a church home, get to know your neighbors and find a group of other moms, the loneliness will soon disappear.

8:24 AM  

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