Life As I Know It....
Is OVER!!! Welcome me to the world of a crawling, exploring baby:) I knew this day would come, and am pretty glad he waited a long time to decide the world was his playground, but we have finally arrived. I can no longer leave a room for more than 30 seconds before I hear a crash and have to go see what he has gotten himself into this time. No drawer, door, lamp cord or speaker is zilla will get his hands on it and do as much destruction as possible in just a matter of seconds!! The flip side of this phase is how much fun it is to watch the little guy explore his world and learn about things. It is so cute! I sound like a broken record though...."Tyson, no no. Tyson, we don't play with that!" Fun times! He is so smart though and looks at me before heading towards a forbidden thing. Crawl crawl stop sit, look if mom is watching, scoot scoot just a little closer, mom check, look at forbidden wire to TV, mom check, slowly reach hand towards wire, jump when mom says "no", and act all innocent, and then just give in to total temptation and grab the sucker!! Cry when mom nicely removes the wire from your grasp and puts you near your stash of toys to play with. But moooommmm....I just gotta play with that wire!!!! Repeat this process 5 million times and you have now lived a day in my shoes:) I am glad we will be moving soon and I can at least unpack my stuff into high cabinets and shelves and put the things its ok for him to play with on the lower levels. That is better than having to move it all. So in case I haven't fully announced it, we have a crawling baby:) And a pulling up baby, and a trying to stand on his own baby. So we will be entering the world of lots of smashed fingers in drawers and cabinets, and bumps and bruises from living life with wobbly legs! Luckily Ty is tough:)
The next exciting thing would be teeth. He woke up this morning with his second little bottom tooth poking through. Its so cute! The downside is he keeps trying to bite and chew on anything he can, which is usually some part of me. This morning while I was on the phone he went to town on my ankles!!! Ouch!
The rest of my news for today will be an update on the house. They should be finished painting today or tomorrow, and I'm still feeling pretty unsure about some of the colors. I am hoping that it just looks different since there is no furniture in the rooms and no floors and no lights. It's really just our master bath that I am worried about. We painted it a bright blue. BRIGHT blue. Silas calls it refreshing and invigorating, I call it loud and overwhelming!!! I am really hoping the floors, dark cabinets and mirrors tone it down a bit. So right now I am just nervous to see how it all comes together, and hoping that once it does and we accessorize, that I will be on board with having a refreshingly bright color!!! Maybe I am just one of those people that color makes me nervous!! I guess I will get over that since we will be having an orange kitchen!!! Ok, not orange, but rust (Ancient copper). I'm getting nervous just thinking about it all, so I have to go! I have pictures of the painted rooms and should be able to post them soon.
The next exciting thing would be teeth. He woke up this morning with his second little bottom tooth poking through. Its so cute! The downside is he keeps trying to bite and chew on anything he can, which is usually some part of me. This morning while I was on the phone he went to town on my ankles!!! Ouch!
The rest of my news for today will be an update on the house. They should be finished painting today or tomorrow, and I'm still feeling pretty unsure about some of the colors. I am hoping that it just looks different since there is no furniture in the rooms and no floors and no lights. It's really just our master bath that I am worried about. We painted it a bright blue. BRIGHT blue. Silas calls it refreshing and invigorating, I call it loud and overwhelming!!! I am really hoping the floors, dark cabinets and mirrors tone it down a bit. So right now I am just nervous to see how it all comes together, and hoping that once it does and we accessorize, that I will be on board with having a refreshingly bright color!!! Maybe I am just one of those people that color makes me nervous!! I guess I will get over that since we will be having an orange kitchen!!! Ok, not orange, but rust (Ancient copper). I'm getting nervous just thinking about it all, so I have to go! I have pictures of the painted rooms and should be able to post them soon.
Your life is totally over. Is this the stage when parents grow those eyes on the backs of their heads??
You'll soon realize that those parents who use leashes on their kids are looking smarter and smarter! :-) Have fun chasing the kiddo around.
WOW! A lot is going on with little TY! and so much fun:) I can't wait to see your new house. Picking out everything can be overwhelming. We will have to have a heart group rode trip to your new house.
Oh, crawling is so fun, until they discover stairs :0
I don't know if you have any or not, but gates work wonders.
I am very excited to see the paint colors you and Silas chose; I am sure they will be lovely. I know paint color is tricky, because you never know how it looks until it is up, but I am sure you all made wonderful choices. If not, remember, you can always change them :)
Lauren........I love to read your could write professionaly.
I had to wipe away my tears this morning as I read this post. I was laughing so hard.......I can remember those days. I am so glad that you are enjoying them.......they don't last long enough and they grow up way too fast.
One thing about being a mother is that it NEVER stops......not even when they ship off to college or enter the is always an adventure and always so rewarding.
You have such a precious family. Tyson is growing in leaps and bounds and has to be one the cutest kids I have ever laid my eyes on.
I love your kitchen color........that is a really classy color......and I can't wait to see the cabinets in there. I know that everything will come together and you will be so glad to have more time with Silas that the colors will just be wonderful.
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