Spring Rundown
We have successfully resisted another season of organized sports craziness, but I have to admit I feel it pulling on my heartstrings at times!!! Silas and I are all for our children playing in organized sports, just not right now. Some days I feel like I am the only parent in the world who is not on that crazy train. I value sports tremendously and playing soccer had a huge impact on my life for lots of years, and that is something that I definitely want for my children. I just refuse to get sucked into the craziness of all that when my child is 4 years old! We play ball with them and teach them all kinds of things about sports and they don't have to be at an organized practice to get that right now. Plus, I am kind of secretly hoping my kids show an interest in oh, you know, running or swimming or biking:) One thing I know for certain, I am not handing my 2 year old a bat, aka weapon any time in the near future:)
Everything else is good. I had trouble walking for two days after that half marathon....my quads were not happy with me at all for running that fast. They recovered though and I am back out and running again. I think my next race will be a local 5k in May, so I have a few weeks. Silas and I have been working on the yard and we are finally getting some landscaping planted in our front beds. There are a million and one projects we want to do with the yard, and if I had a ton of money they would all be done by now! We are having fun though and taking it one little step at a time.
The boys are driving me crazy for some reason. Maybe the weather, school getting ready to end soon, I don't know!!! They fight with each other constantly and it just wears on me. Parenting pre-schoolers is exhausting some days. Of course I love them to pieces and we have lots of fun, but they both seem to be in a "pushing limits" and "emotional meltdown" phase at the same time:) Fun times some days:) They crack me up at bed time....Jace's favorite song is Jingle Bells and Tyson's is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. They request them nightly and constantly ask if Christmas is coming again soon:) Tyson has learned to use the word "actually" and some days I cannot believe how many times that boy uses the word! Jace still refuses to be potty- trained so we are in no man's land with that. Some days pull-ups, some days diapers, and some days he goes on the potty....you just never know. Maybe he doesn't care to try because I ended up eating all his potty rewards (jelly beans) when I am stressed out! Whatever. We will get there some day:) Things just seem so busy right now and I feel tired a lot. I am still out of sorts without a major training schedule or future big race on the horizon. Taking it easy just does not sit well with me:) I am hanging on for the next few weeks and will re-adjust my work schedule when summer hits and the boys are out of school. We are looking forward to having some fun in the sun:) I can't wait to get that boat pulled out and cleaned up soon!!!
I am right there with you on the sports! They are so young and there is plenty of time for that in the future. I just don't see why we need to drag our entire family out to watch a 4 year old play a sport their not even that into... We tried one month of soccer when my son was 4 and he did not like it. It was a waste of time and money. Harding offers swimming lessons each semester which I take the kids to on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-4:30. (It actually just ended yesterday.) I love it because all my kids (except for Ashton) get in and swim at the same time and it's all at the same place. There are different classes and groups in different sections of the pool based on skill level. Abi is a great swimmer now- better than me. I think learning to swim is so important. First, it can save your life. It can be done throughout your entire life and you don't need to be on a team to do it. I know the days of team sports are coming but I am in no hurry to get there.
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