/> SLO in Arkansas: Fall

Monday, October 18, 2010


Just a few pictures of the boys in their Halloween shirts. It finally got under 80 degrees one day so we pulled them out for school! Hope it cools off a bit soon so they can get at least one more wear out of them!
My two goobers. They were glued to the TV and wouldn't look at me for anything!! At least they stood still for a second:)
A picture of Jace without his paci!
Not sure what Ty found so funny as I took this, but he was laughing at something:) We had our hayride and bonfire last night with our Sunday school class. I took my camera but didn't take any pictures while we were there. The boys had a ball though. We roasted hot dogs and smores, ate chili, had a hayride, played with glow sticks, sang songs, rode bikes and ran and played. Tyson cried when we left and kept saying he wanted to go back to the "farm." If we are outside, that kid loves anything we do! Next even on the fall schedule....Fall Festival at church for Halloween:)
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