/> SLO in Arkansas: First cereal

Saturday, December 08, 2007

First cereal

So Tyson got the go-ahead from his pediatrician this month to start eating some rice cereal, and to practice eating in general. He has been watching Silas and I like a hawk when we eat, and loves cups especially, so we figured he would be pretty interested in trying some food for himself:) He seems to really like it. We gave him his first cereal on Wednesday this week, and it was so cute(and messy!!). That little tongue went crazy trying to figure out how to swallow!! He did a lot better on Thursday and Friday, and seems to really be getting the hang of it. The messy part comes when he tries to pull it out of his mouth with his fingers, or when he starts spitting and drooling. We have had a lot of fun with this new milestone though, and look forward to the more adventurous feedings when we start with vegetables in the next few weeks! A friend of mine said they have made some of their own baby food, and it sounded interesting. I was wondering if anyone had tried this before, or had any ideas on easy foods to do this with? We also have a really cute little video of him eating, but I am not sure how to get it onto this blog. If anyone has some advice on how to do that as well, it would be much appreciated!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a demonstration on how to do your own baby food and it seemed really intense and time consuming. But, if you are really interested in it, I know you will need to invest in a steamer.
I would recommend starting with the vegetables first and start with the greens. They tend to not like these as much as the yellows and the oranges, because they are sweeter, but if you start out with it, you can maybe get them to eat more later down the road, as opposed to never. Olivia really liked sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn, squash, and butternut squash and corn. As far as fruit goes, bananas tend to make babies constipated, so you will want to watch out and not feed him a lot of bananas. If he doesn't have an allergy to bananas, then I would try prunes, since prunes tend to "clean" them out.

7:26 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

Thanks for the great info! I was hoping making my own food would not be too much trouble, but we will see.

3:28 PM  

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